Interface keeps disappearing randomly

Started by DJK123, July 26, 2020, 10:03:20 AM

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So I'll get half in a game and the interface just randomly disappears...

This is my log:

Can't pin-point what it is... can anyone help?


at first write an essay with 500 words about "Why should i read forum stickies before i post something" !

The first errror's after loading the safegame show " at yayoCombat" but the later repeating error are about ".GetPawnsStandingAtOrAboutToStandAt".
I can't say if these both are related together, but since Yayo change alot with the animations it could be.
So i suggest you ask the mod author from Yayo combat about it.


Hi there,

Sorry! I really appreciate your help.

I've tried disabling the combat mod but I'm still getting the interface randomly disappearing. I've attached my player log and save file, thanks!

Save game:

Player log:


Disabling mod's running colony is mosttimes a bad idea.
Ok it looks like Yayo combat is just animation and don't add any content, so it could be safe to remove it.
But the error "PawnCollisionTweenerUtility.CanGoDirectlyToNextCell" don't give me any hint about what mod it could cause.

And btw. why did you upload the log and didn't used the methode before?