[1.4] Moody (v2.6.0) A colonist mood dashboard

Started by GiantSpaceHamster, December 26, 2016, 10:52:52 PM

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Quote from: GiantSpaceHamster on July 31, 2021, 08:58:53 PM
Quote from: RyTie on July 31, 2021, 06:13:41 PM
RimWorld 1.3.3066 rev1166
Exception filling window for Moody.MoodyWindow: System.MissingMethodException: UnityEngine.RenderTexture RimWorld.PortraitsCache.Get(Verse.Pawn,UnityEngine.Vector2,Verse.Rot4,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,bool,bool,bool,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<RimWorld.Apparel, UnityEngine.Color>,System.Nullable`1<UnityEngine.Color>,bool)

The first part of your log shows your RimWorld install is outdated. I suggest getting the latest. That version in particular, 3066, looks vaguely familiar and may have been the version I saw a compatibility issue with (but I can't be sure offhand).

Moody 2.5.6 was built with RimWorld 1.3.7871, so try to get at least that version or later and let me know if that works.

Thanks you wonderful human! Back up and running


I'm getting the exact same behaviour. All the screens transparent when enable moody.

I've updated the game to 1.3.3087 (the latest stable branch to date, and unstable is on 1.3.3093), and moody stopped working, but i was on v1.3.3066 until yesterday (with moody) without any problems.

Moody 2.5.6 was built with RimWorld 1.3.7871, so try to get at least that version or later and let me know if that works.

Probably i'm missing something, but doesn't work with 1.3.3087.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Or Moody interfer with one of your other mods.
I use 1.3.3087 too, just download and test it.
Works without problems.
But when you got these transparent thing, it could be your videocard (driver) too.
Disable Moody and check the Schedule tab if it isn't transparent, then it is the videocard.
Does you maybe got a windows update and/or driver update ?


I'm testing it in vanilla v1.3.3087, without any extra mods. The only change was the rimworld version.


Windows are still transparent everywhere (all tabs, tooltips, etc). When moody is disabled, everything works as normal.

All the test were performed on a new colony, and not loading old saves.

The logs shows the following red error (a lot of the same error):

Exception filling window for Moody.MoodyWindow: System.MissingMethodException: UnityEngine.RenderTexture RimWorld.PortraitsCache.Get(Verse.Pawn,UnityEngine.Vector2,Verse.Rot4,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,bool,bool,bool,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<RimWorld.Apparel, UnityEngine.Color>,bool)
  at Moody.Table.Cell`1[T].Draw (UnityEngine.Rect cellRegion, Moody.Table.Row row) [0x00035] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.Table.Table.DrawCell (Moody.Table.Cell cell, UnityEngine.Rect cellRegion, Moody.Table.Row row) [0x00047] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.Table.Table.DrawRow (Moody.Table.Row row, UnityEngine.Rect rowRegion) [0x000d9] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.Table.Table.Draw (UnityEngine.Rect contentRegion) [0x001e4] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.Views.SummaryView.Draw (UnityEngine.Rect contentRect) [0x00084] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.Views.MoodyView.DrawDashboard (UnityEngine.Rect region) [0x00008] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.MoodyWindow.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect canvas) [0x000c5] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
  at Moody.MoodyWindow+<>c__DisplayClass73_0.<WindowOnGuiBase>b__0 (System.Int32 x) [0x00230] in <ae3e150a46fc49c39021d637c5d9c173>:0
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
Verse.Log:Error (string)
Moody.MoodyWindow/<>c__DisplayClass73_0:<WindowOnGuiBase>b__0 (int)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI/WindowFunction,int,int,UnityEngine.GUISkin,int,single,single,UnityEngine.GUIStyle)


Could you just test it without Ideology too ? I don't own that currently.
Could you try to redownload it, complete delete the mod folder and reinstall it, maybe something was missing or isn't copied, or maybe some surplus files from older versions.


Tested again on v1.3.3087


Deleting the folder and manually installing from dropbox (moody version 2.5.6), seems to fix whatever was causing the issue.

I don't know if it's a steam issue, downloading outdated files, or... i don't know. Everything seems to be working now even with almost 40 other different mods.
I hope it helps others if they have the same issue.

BTW, this is a "Must Have" mod for keep track of colonists stats (mood, temp, gear, health, etc) Great Job!

Thanks for your time and your help!


Quote from: santial28 on August 18, 2021, 09:58:48 AM
Tested again on v1.3.3087
Deleting the folder and manually installing from dropbox (moody version 2.5.6), seems to fix whatever was causing the issue.

Ah, yes, the directory structure changed with RimWorld 1.3 support. Because of this, if you drop it over a 1.2 version, the old 1.2 compatible DLL will be in a location that RimWorld uses to override any version-specific DLLs. So basically not deleting the old version first would cause the old version to still get loaded even with the new DLL present.

Glad you got it sorted out!

Thanks to Canute for helping out before I even saw the messages =)


1.4 support has been added to the Steam workshop. If anyone would like a standalone version for non-Steam use please let me know.


RimWorld 1.4 support version linked in top post now, per request. Enjoy!
