Mod idea! Foragers cut to inventory and return with their produce

Started by Dfray011, August 08, 2020, 05:10:07 PM

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Hi all!

Perhaps this mod exists already, in which case nvm me. But I haven't seen anything like it myself and I think it would be great.

The mod would cause pawns foraging (and possibly wood cutting) to add the products to their inventory and return from foraging once their inventory/carry capacity is full. This would stop pawns for the \*huge\* waste of time where they leave berries and healroot scattered all over the map for some other thankless pawn to traverse the whole map again to pick up, all while hoping some animal doesn't steal the forage first.

Synergy with or reliance on "pick up and haul" would make sense, since hauling with the inventory would make the foraging process far better than having a pawn cut a single plant or tree and return to base.

I don't know a damn thing about modding, but based on the mods I've seen so far it doesn't seem to ambitious?

Also, in case someone does want to make this mod, I would totally donate $40 or so for their efforts and for the good of the awesome rimworld community :P. Extra points if some sort of "ranger backpack" is added that helps pawns carry more or modestly buffs foraging!


once Mehni made the mod "Pickup & Haul" i suggested such a feature to him.
But it never happen from his side or does another mod so far i know.

Maybe take a look at rimworld discord, you might find more modder then here at the forum.