pawns scheduled to perform work will refuse to watch TV if they're injured

Started by darkwarrior1002, August 11, 2020, 03:15:13 AM

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I like to put megascreen TVs in front of my hospital beds. If I'm not mistaken, it's even one of the loading screen tips. It's a useful thing; makes sure you don't have to deal with bedridden colonists dealing with recreation starvation. what I don't understand, however, is why colonists will refuse to watch television if they're scheduled to perform work at the timeslot they're currently spending in the medical bed. they're doing nothing besides lying in bed yet they refuse to watch TV even though there's nothing else they can do and they're suffering from recreation deprivation. do I really have to override schedules every time I deal with injuries because of this? might this be from a mod conflict? surely vanilla didn't overlook a simple optimization like this.


Maybe they got sick of the TV program with all the repeating series/movies and you didn't pay for Rimflix steaming service or be out of range ? :-)
You should check the pawn recreation activity, maybe that kind of recreation are fullified.


I'm no idiot. I checked their recreation bars for information and even made sure only those in medical beds have access to TVs specifically because I wanted to avoid a scenario like that.


I did some testing with 1.2.2723
And notice the pawn at the medical bed don't get automatical recreation boost while at the medical bed (he didn't watched TV with 38%)
But he will start watching TV when his recreation is low (i did drop his joy by 20% and start watching at 18%).
So i can say, anything is working fine.


that's literally the exact problem I'm describing. so, no, it's not just fine. It's a matter of poor optimization that messes with your colony's efficiency for absolutely no reason. bedridden colonists should always be watching TV so long as they're not asleep or anesthetized.


Never actually had this problem myself but I think you're right. Pawns on "work" schedule will ignore their recreation bar, while still taking care of their rest and hunger needs. As long as there is work to do, they will not do recreation  and since "bed rest" is an actual job, I can see them focusing on "working" as patients and ignoring their recreation needs.

I guess the real issue here is that being a patient is a job in the same way that construction or research is. I'm not sure how this could be fixed without removing player control of how and when pawns prioritize bed rest. Perhaps the very low recreation malus could force the pawn out of work? But that solution has issues as well.


yeah I'd imagine this is a problem due to the very architecture of the game. I think it would be possible if bedridden colonists were only allowed recreation via TV since that doesn't interfere with the bed rest work, but simple as that sounds it may actually be difficult to implement.