Let us move traps and IEDs

Started by Dargaron, August 17, 2020, 03:19:13 PM

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Unlike every other piece of furniture in the game, IED and Spike Traps require your pawn to step onto the same tile as the trap in order to reinstall/uninstall it. This means that every time you want to move a trap, you risk a ~1% chance that the trap will instantly kill or seriously maim your colonist.

Our pawns should know full well how to disable and move their own traps. There isn't a 1% chance that your pawn accidentally burns themselves on a heater while moving it, there shouldn't be a similar chance for moving IEDs and spike traps. Just make traps work like every other structure in the game and be uninstalled from an adjacent tile.


I can't stand this mechanic too and wish they would change it. Or at least make it so that someone with high construction or crafting can do it without risk.

In the meantime you can download the ED Enhanced Options mod, which lets you set 'safe traps', among other things I love like 'disable fire watcher'.
##Coding Scrub##


1% is surprisingly low. Knowing how the landmines are built doesn't make mine clearing safe.


Sometimes a pawn can accidentally trigger an IED. You all in RimWorld
can "uninstall" it without triggering the IED. You can move the IED to your killbox(sometimes called the deathmaze or the death passage).
When you place an IED right next to a wall/door, the IED will damage a structure next to it(except floors and bridges). If it is EMP, The IED will do nothing but disables powered objects(also through walls). If it's Incendiary, it will damage structures right next to it with starting fires(do not place this right next to wood or wooden structures). If it's Antigrain, It will do massive amounts of destruction to your base(can even damage items or kill/incapacitate pawns)! Anyways, reply if you got it. Thanks!
Born with pleasure and patience.