[1.2+Royalty] Moody guest falsely reports mood too low on departure

Started by HongPong, August 21, 2020, 04:17:40 PM

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the royalty DLC has been a nifty new thing to try. I got the mission where you have a guest (artist type) stay for I think about 17 days but he has some kind of depression so its tricky to keep his mood up. The mission summary window shows his mood over last 2 days as a %%age. If he stays over 50% mood over the entire time the prize is collected.

Interestingly we had a bad attack and he got horribly injured at the end of his stay, so the last 2 days were very low mood. I sent him to the shuttle and it reported that his mood was very low (it seems like this was relying on the most-recent-2-days number) and the message said that the prize was denied because of this.

However in reality he did have enough mood over the entire time. So I got the prize as I was supposed to. But the message at the end was not accurate and it was going probably off that 2 day number instead of the actual average.

I think you can probably replicate this by having him stay around in a good enough mood to get the prize and then knock the mood down the last 2 days and send him on the ship.

That's the only buggy bug I've spotted so far. Nice work all around.


Are you positive that his average was well over 50% the entire time?  If the mood was hovering at 50% most of the time, and the final 2 days the mood was incredibly low, this would have lowered the average down enough that the quest would fail.  Two days of like 10% mood would need like 2 days of 90% mood to balance out, etc.