[1.2] You will die!

Started by Albion, September 20, 2020, 04:14:23 PM

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You will die!

This mod is aimed for highly modded games and players who are still looking for a challenge.
It is NOT recommended for a balanced vanilla experience!

Download links
Steam Link
NexusMods Link (manual download)

I don't use many high-power mods myself so I need you as a tester.
Please download the mod and give me some feedback if it completly obliterated your colony or the events didn't even make a dent.

Please note that you need a new colony for the full experience or add the Glitterworld Raider faction via Faction discovery (or a similar mod).
It's a hidden faction that introduces deadly raiders.

A list of what you can expect:

  • Raid with solar flare - Glitterworld raiders will drop in while your colony suffers a solar-flare-like shutdown due to some energy field used by the raiders.
  • Bomb and Raid - First your colony will be softened up by a brief orbital bombardment before a group of glitterworld raiders drop in.
  • Protection Money - Pay a protection fee within 24 hours or you will be bombed.
  • Random bombardment - Someone doesn't like you and decides to bombard your colony.

I'm open for new suggestions on new features.


I released the mod.
Please refer to the official topic in the Release section: