Are techprints biased towards ones you don't have yet?

Started by YokoZar, October 15, 2020, 09:38:26 PM

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It could be random chance, but I feel like I kept seeing the same techprints for sale until I bought and used them, then I'd see different ones (and not the original ones).  I've yet to see one I've already used.

Am I just lucky, or is the game being friendly?  Has anyone tested explicitly?


It certainly seems that way! on my latest play through exclusively received tech prints that I hadn't already learnt through quests and traders.

So it's def not by random chance that you're getting so "lucky" with them :P


private ResearchProjectDef FindTargetProject(Slate slate)
if (this.fixedProject.GetValue(slate) != null)
return this.fixedProject.GetValue(slate);
return (from p in DefDatabase<ResearchProjectDef>.AllDefsListForReading
where !p.IsFinished && !p.TechprintRequirementMet
select p).RandomElement<ResearchProjectDef>();

quests will give as reward only techprints you can use


So, tech print will not spawn the tech that already unlock? It's annoying to close the trade panel to recheck again all the time.