Intellegent tamed animals walk in the packs

Started by vadim_normal, October 24, 2020, 07:21:13 AM

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You probably lost your baby animals because of predators.
Especially it's strange to see baby wolves/wargs walking alone on the side of map when wolves in real life always walk in a pack with a strict hierarchy.
I suggest to make animals with Intermediate and advanced intelligence be able to walk in the pack and attack an offender all together like wild animals do, so baby animals won't be so vulnerable to predators and tamed animals would be much more powerful in defense, agree that pack of wolves is more powerful when single one.


Especially it's strange to see expierenced colony manager (You) that allow baby animals wander around at unsafe area and not behind protected fences/walls.


wow dude thanks for reminding me of my dead pets to get me to like your idea