Colonists butcher dead pet instead of burrying

Started by Spaceman98, November 27, 2020, 06:14:11 PM

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So, in the cold harsh winter, my colonies beloved dog was killed by a warg.

I set up a grave and set its permissions to allow Yorkshire Terrier corpses. The grave was built. Then I marked the corpse as "allowed" so someone would burry it. I was shocked to find one of my colonists butchering the former pet!

This seems like the unfortunate result of how the game automatically prioritizes what to do with a pet's corpse.

The easy fix is to manually disallow butchering of Yorkshire Terriers, pet or otherwise, since the only ones I've seen are pets and ones infected with scaria, but regardless this seems like the wrong default behavior for a pet corpse, so I'm reporting it here. Thoughts?


"Here lies Kiko, loyal hound. He faithfully served in life, and was faithfully served in death."


My Friend and colonist, here lies Kiko more or less.
Al'Cooknix made a great feast, out of him.
Let's honor Kiko's act to protect the colony and celebrate it.
At this way Kiko will allways be a part of us.
