
Started by 1ybnorml, December 20, 2020, 12:46:05 PM

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not sure where to post this i will start here. about a month ago i started getting a "error Log" on startup. but was not something i could make sense of. then 2 weeks ago (after the game running fine even with the error log) all my physical saves would lock up the game but not the auto saves? yesterday i decided to try to start a new colony. now they won't put roofs on all structures that they should. i have tried to read the error log to determine which mod or mods are giving this issue . to no avail. i had added several mods but the error log did not show up until about a week later. on a mac. any and all assistance greatly appreciated. Thank you


when you use steam workshop, mods get automatical updated. This would explain that problem.

Mosttimes it is hard to tell what mod cause errors. You should better disable all mods, and rebuild the modlist at small steps.
Then you see early when a mod throw out error's after activation.
And be sure rimworld itself don't give errors without mods (after disabling mods, you can have alot or errors you should restart rimworld or just delete the modconfig.xml before you start rimworld).


hmmmn delete a file . and where would i find this file.... was ok when i had a windows system with dos command lines  but with a mac ???


tried to deactivate i obviously have no fnnn clue as to what i am doing. So i guess that is the end of the line for me and this game was fun while it lasted


You didn't said so far what version you use.
But when you use the DRM-free one you should know where you unpacked/copied it.
I think you use steam, doesn't have steam some option to show you the installation folder ?


1.2 i use steam. when i open steam i do not any where to access files. so based on the over 100 mods that i was running. going back to just the core because ...none of my saved games function at all. i fkkkkd up using mods and now can not play the game at all. was fun but i have no idea when to start... :(


to Canute.... thanks for the help. i went back to square one and started to rebuild my mod list.....very slowly