The screen goes all gray as if the entire map is undiscovered.

Started by belawdarg, January 29, 2021, 10:53:34 AM

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glad to see that you got a modlist without error's after rimworld startup.

That the screen gray out mean that Rimworld try to draw things but got an error while doing it.
There are 2 repeating error's
QuoteTried to register trasmitter PowerConduit173370 at (193, 0, 112), but there is already a power net here. There can't be two transmitters on the same cell.

Root level exception in Update(): System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at RimWorld.PowerConnectionMaker+<PotentialConnectorsForTransmitter>d__5.MoveNext () [0x00119] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at RimWorld.PowerConnectionMaker.ConnectAllConnectorsToTransmitter (RimWorld.CompPower newTransmitter) [0x00025] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at RimWorld.PowerNetManager.TryCreateNetAt (Verse.IntVec3 cell) [0x00058] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at RimWorld.PowerNetManager.UpdatePowerNetsAndConnections_First () [0x00183] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at Verse.Map.MapUpdate () [0x00010] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at Verse.Game.UpdatePlay () [0x00031] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
  at Verse.Root_Play.Update () [0x00026] in <82ff53f4436442f9a879167049ea7b06>:0
It it all about power.
Basicly it is similar to
But since you only use one of the mods the other user use, i think it is Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power.
If you can you should made a posting at the mod discussion about it.

A possible fix for your problem would be to deconstruct all conduits.
If you can see or target a conduit at your safegame, i would try to add the mod AllowTool.
Then activate developer mode at the option, select god mode (one of the icon's on top).
AllowTool allow you to target all other conduit's mapwide, select one conduit, then press ALT and the button the select all remaining conduits, then deconstruct. While on godmode they instantly get deconstructed.

If that solved the problem, you just need to rebuild conduits while godmode is active (instant build without resource cost), safe it at different name and load it just to be sure the problem is solved.

Or you can try to edit the safegame.
Backup the safegame before.
Open it with a texteditor.
Search for PowerConduit173370
If you find it delete anything from <thing Class="Building"> to </thing>
safe it, and load it at Rimworld to check if it solve the problem.