[W|0.6.532] Mechanic: Pot Plants not effecting environment

Started by LuciferNZ, August 14, 2014, 12:19:46 AM

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Version Alpha 6, build 532
Pot plants not giving beautification bonus.

Pretty self explanitory explanation, but it could be that Im missing something.

What I do to reproduce this, was make a 5x5 prisoner room, with 2 lights and several (tried 2-8) pot plants with Mature daylillies, and not environmental improvement.

There is no dirt, and no rocks in the room.  A table, 2 chairs and a prisoner in the room.

Both test rooms had alternately wood floors, then carpets too, just in case.

In other experiments, my workrooms give Hideous environment from raw materials, and pot plants do not mitigate it at all either.

Am I missing something important, or is this a bug?  I can no longer get pleasant bonus, unless people are OUTSIDE, on concrete.....

Damien Hart

Is your prison room mined? Rough rock floors are ugly, so they would counter the environment bonus of the plants. Try smoothing the floors.

If not, throw up a screen shot, that always helps.


Quote from: LuciferNZ on August 14, 2014, 12:19:46 AM
Both test rooms had alternately wood floors, then carpets too, just in case.
No, dirt floor was first, then wood, then carpets.

Im assuming that you dont need to smooth first before putting down carpet.


Quote from: Damien Hart on August 14, 2014, 02:43:49 AM
If not, throw up a screen shot, that always helps.
I abandoned that save unfortunately - and am now using the Animal rugs mod to replace the pot plants beautification modifier.

Damien Hart

Ok, I tested it, and managed to reproduce it. I tested this room on every standable cell, no dice.

Some other weird behaviour I noticed is that the plants fail to reach full size despite reaching 100% growth, and then randomly update, sometimes from the newly planted size straight to fully grown size.


Yeah, I noticed that too, but didnt know if it was normal behaviour or not - I used sunlamps ;)


I did just started to update my mod for a6 and while testing tables beauty had the same problem, each table with full research give nice beauty, so its a level below fully grown plant in plant pot which is gregorus in beauty.
With 10 tables around colonist he didnt get any bonus to envoirment. Did test it and put 4 stacks of potatos near him, he got ugly envoirment. Will test it further with walls, floors, other furniture and other colonists.

Edit:Ok found the issue, it got case sensitive :D
On older version it didnt matter if you use <beauty> or <Beauty>, seems that on a6 it do. To get it working properly you would need to go into "RimWorld532Win\Mods\Core\Defs\ThingDefs\Plants_Cultivated.xml" and change every <beauty></beauty> to <Beauty></Beauty>.

Only odd thing that using <beauty> dont give any console errors.

Edit2: Research that adds beauty will brake it again
Case sensitive also is in research mods to add beauty
All i do is clutter all around.