[1.2.2753] "Grow" and "Plant cut" work priorities are misleading

Started by Doomster, May 30, 2021, 01:05:06 PM

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"Grow" and "Plant cut" topics of work priorities have misleading names and descriptions. I nearly posted a whole bug report named "Pawn is harvesting when only allowed growing".

It may seem that "Grow" means "Sow", and "Plant cut" description clearly says "harvest plants". So, for maximizing yields, I tried to only allow harvesting to the most proficient worker, and sowing to another worker. I failed, for sure.

I see 3 possibilities of fixing the issue. I'd prefer the 2nd one, if possible.

1. Simply fix texts. Rename "Grow" topic to "Field". In it's description, change "Growing" name to "Field work". Change the description of "Plant cut" to "Cut or chop plants as designated. Does not apply to harvesting crops or foraging for wild plants."

2. Fix the description of "Plant cut" like in #1. Split the "Grow" topic in two: "Sow" and "Harvest". The more control, the better. It makes possible what I tried to achieve (one person sows, another harvests).

3. Move harvesting from "Grow" topic to "Plant cut". Because separating sowing and harvesting makes a bit more sense than separating harvesting crops and chopping trees. This option also allows for what I tried to achieve.


Hello, thanks for the time writing this but I have to be honest, I'm a bit confused as to what you are asking for here.  I think this needs to be focused more on exactly what you may think is a bug, or alternatively scrapping this as a bug report and writing it as a feature request.

The "Grow"/Growing job states: "Plant seeds, harvest crops, and forage for wild plants."  Beneath it it clearly states: "Harvest Crops, sow crops".
For this job type, pawns do in fact sow crops, and harvest the crops when they are fully grown if they are in fields.  Is there a bug happening here?  If not, and you are wanting the 'growing' job to simply only be for actually sowing seeds, that's a feature request, not a bug.

Plant cut is described as: "Cut or harvest plants as designated" with the underneath line stating: "Cut plants".  This option is for player controlled use of the harvest and plant cut orders in the architect tab.

I've been playing this game since 2013 so I know I don't have 'fresh eyes' and I am very used to the quirks of this game, so personally this to me is just 'how it's always been'.  I promise I am not trying to seem aggressive here.  What I need though is just a bit more clarity on what exactly you are asking for, so I know how to label this post, and where I need to present it internally for the devs.  Please by all means write your response here, I'm not asking you to make a new topic in the feature request forum.