Fullscreen Optimized for Alpha 6?

Started by Malicar, August 14, 2014, 04:26:28 PM

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Hate to bother you with fullscreen nagging but I'm dying to run Rimworld in a true native fullscreen mode some time soon. Does Alpha 6 finally address fullscreen performance or is that still work in progress? If not can you please do some fullscreen work for an upcoming build? My GTX780 is bored of Windowed mode ty Ty :)


I'm not sure I understand? I started playing RimWorld in like Alpha4 and I've always played full screen in 1080p...and that's on a fairly average gaming laptop. You shouldn't have any problems doing the same on a Desktop with a GTX780? What optimization are you talking about exactly? I even play this game sometimes on a decrepit old dinosaur of a desktop with a Geforce 6100 nforce405 which is a built in graphics card with a 400Mhz Core clock, no shader clock, and no memory clock... Oh and a whopping 256Mb of built in ram lol! And yeah...on that rig I have to window it, but it still runs fine. I can't imagine you would have any sort of problems at all with a modern gaming card like that? I must be missing something lol.
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Quote from: HatesYourFace on August 14, 2014, 04:41:45 PM
I'm not sure I understand? I started playing RimWorld in like Alpha4 and I've always played full screen in 1080p...and that's on a fairly average gaming laptop. You shouldn't have any problems doing the same on a Desktop with a GTX780? What optimization are you talking about exactly? I even play this game sometimes on a decrepit old dinosaur of a desktop with a Geforce 6100 nforce405 which is a built in graphics card with a 400Mhz Core clock, no shader clock, and no memory clock... Oh and a whopping 256Mb of built in ram lol! And yeah...on that rig I have to window it, but it still runs fine. I can't imagine you would have any sort of problems at all with a modern gaming card like that?

I'm pretty sure Fullscreen remains unoptimized in Alpha 5. Last time I checked it was performing horrible with mad stutter for no apparent reason. If you go back far enough you will see that when asked about such issues that were also present in Alpha 1 Ty has told us to just use windowed mode until it's optimized properly for fullscreen.

Also just because the game works on one configuration doesn't mean it will for another and even then if the drivers being used aren't similar builds you will again see a discrepancy if big changes are made such as the Nvidia 337.88 drivers. It really depends on what Ty is basing his framework on and what hardware he is using. I've run Rimworld Alpha on GTX 570 and GTX 780 and it's the same for both. Unoptimized with same problem. So wether it's an issue specific to Nvidia or not I just wondered if any work has been done on the fullscreen support.


Quote from: Malicar on August 14, 2014, 04:52:21 PM
I'm pretty sure Fullscreen remains unoptimized in Alpha 5. Last time I checked it was performing horrible with mad stutter for no apparent reason. If you go back far enough you will see that when asked about such issues that were also present in Alpha 1 Ty has told us to just use windowed mode until it's optimized properly for fullscreen.

Also just because the game works on one configuration doesn't mean it will for another and even then if the drivers being used aren't similar builds you will again see a discrepancy if big changes are made such as the Nvidia 337.88 drivers. It really depends on what Ty is basing his framework on and what hardware he is using. I've run Rimworld Alpha on GTX 570 and GTX 780 and it's the same for both. Unoptimized with same problem. So wether it's an issue specific to Nvidia or not I just wondered if any work has been done on the fullscreen support.

Sounds like your maybe having a specific problem on your specific setup? I'd try posting this in Technical Support! I used to have a lot of problems with some games (Especially indie games) after updating my Nvidia drivers, you might try rolling them back to the last version maybe? It's worked for me in the past. My laptop has an Nvidia card (Can't look up the specs atm, my GF has it at work, but I know it's nowhere near as good as a 780) and it runs the game fine in fullscreen, 1080p, on a 40" TV screen. Could be a multi core or SLI issue? Just seems odd, Better card should = better performance. Good luck solving the problem man!
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