(1.3 Testbranch) Pawns who have either soft or hard mental breaks last too Long

Started by Ouan, July 15, 2021, 09:04:56 AM

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1. What the circumstances were.
The colony I started a vanilla playthrough (Base Rimworld + Royalty) on the latest version of the 1.3 Tesbranch. The colony was not the best, and the pawns likewise were not the best of the best. I do not know if there is a core change to how pawns work, but their behavior appears to have changed with regards to tantrums and I am not sure if it is something that was intended or not. I did not see this change in the update log at least.

2. What happened.
The pawns eventually throw tantrums. In this version of Rimworld, they seem to last at times for DAYS.

3. What you expected to happen.
I expected the "insult" tantrum for example to last at best for a few hours. Now it seems to last for days. The same goes with the "Sad Wander" tantrum. The later tantrum would last usually until the pawn went to sleep. Now, in both cases observed at least, the pawn will get tired, go to sleep and then arise to insult or sad wander some more. They also eat occasionally.

4. Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine.
Have a pawn throw a tantrum, either naturally or with a command. Observe the time and actions of the pawn in question.

5. Savefiles
I do not believe a save file is necessary due to it being replicable in new save files
Damn Pirates!


I think eating and sleeping during mental breaks is normal behaviour as I have seen it in 1.2. Mental breaks lasting 1-2 days are also normal, you should check exactly how many day they last in your case.

Moderator Note:

Quandangv is correct, this is behavior that has existed since 1.2 and is intended behavior.