[Pawn bedroom/apartment] Expand luxury and comfort

Started by White935, July 19, 2021, 06:36:10 PM

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A simple idea really, i'd love to see owned/private bedrooms being able to be expanded into apartment/house.
The idea of a Pawn having their own Livingroom with a couch, tv and possible even fridge etc would allow you to expand on the living quarters of your pawns being more than a simple room with a bed, dresser and maybe a statue.. but being more like how people would properly want to live.. especially when the colony is starting to become more advanced.

Obviously this would depend on the living-standards the pawn expects, but making the individuals able to live less spartan like and more personalized "home" would add small but extra depth.

Obviously there's difference for someone who'd have a personal living room and TV, or a communal shared TV and couch.


You can accomplish this with the "Locks" mod by building each pawn their own apartment and locking the doors to prevent any other pawns from entering the apartment.

An issue you may run into is that with food/repairs, etc.

Will each apartment have its own rec/dining facilities?  If so, they will have reduced morale from having a low quality dining/rec room, where if you combined them all into a single Dining/rec room, you would get a significant boost.

Another issue is if there is ever any damage/zzzt/invasion in the apartment.  You would need to go change all the door permissions, or allow every pawn with an apartment to be able to deliver/construct/repair.  If a pawn who is incapable of delivering lives in a sealed apartment, then nothing can be built there.

You could also just give all of your builders/deliverers access to the apartments, but then that kinda detracts from the concept.