[1.3.1366] Colonist mood debuff for delayed funeral for slave

Started by 2kai2kai2, July 21, 2021, 12:41:06 AM

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I have a dead enslaved character who has been buried. They had been converted to my ideology. However, "Slaves don't get funerals" so I am unable to perform the funeral (Inhumation of Archism) ritual. Thus, all my characters have "Inhumation of Archism delayed" -3 mood ("The Inhumation of Archism has been delayed. We should have started it already."). I do not know if this modifier is permanent, but no expiry date is given.

I would expect that this mood modifier should not occur when the character can't have a funeral.

This can likely be replicated by having a slave character of the faction's ideology die.


I have a very similar bug.

A slave character attempted to escape and was accidentally killed when trying to stop them. Punched them to death, whoops. It popped up with a message saying that I needed to have a funeral for her, but I wasn't able to because she was a slave.

Her body was put into a marble sarcophagus. Interestingly, I made the sarcophagus long before the death and the description of the decorations on this sarcophagus describes the dead slave Katia freezing to death. She was definitely punched to death.

Now all my colonists are sad because the funeral has been delayed.

Interestingly, she didn't need to be a member of the faction's idology. This slave wasn't a member of the same ideology, and she had always been a slave. I'd rescued her from a wrecked escape pod, and healed her up, and when she rudly went to leave I shot her leg off and enslaved her.

I'm using a vanilla game, no mods. :)


I had this same problem occur!  I arrested a visiting guest, converted them to my ideology, enslaved them, and they later died.  I was getting a penalty for not giving them a funeral, but I wasn't able to give them a funeral because they were a slave.

I quit that playthrough and started a new game where my ideology didn't have funerals to avoid the bug.


Same here. Slave died and I put her body in a gibbet. Noticed the debuff. Put her into a sarcophagus, but it says you can't hold the funeral for a slave.

Extra info:
- Version 1.3.3071
- She belonged to my ideology
- Pawns that were away on a quest/caravan (raiding a mining site on the map) when the death ocurred do NOT have the mood debuff

Moderator Note:
This was fixed as of 1.3.3074.  Thanks for the reports.