[v1.3.3067] loading saves from 1.2 have body parts swapped/mangled

Started by mini_totent, July 21, 2021, 05:55:15 PM

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v1.3.3067  loading saves from 1.2 have body parts swapped/mangled
1. What the circumstances were: loaded save from 1.2 in 1.3 containing body parts which had been replaced or were missing.

2. What happened: body parts were swapped around. EG: an Arotech arm that was previously on the right shoulder is now on a finger, and the right arm is missing. This impacts gameplay as if a finger existed and right arm was missing. See picture attached.

3. What you expected to happen: Continuity of saves across supported releases.

4. Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine: load attached save file in 1.3. Look at pawn "Terry" for an example.

5. Savegame file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aEekKchzu9uRRZSccuIogVmPnR24eUyR/view?usp=sharing
6. Log File attached


I had a saved game from 1.2 that was opened in 1.3.3066 (I think this was the version) after version 1.3 was released on 07/20. I didn't notice any issues when I opened and played the saved game.

On 07/21, I saw there was an upgrade to 1.3.3067 and allowed Steam to upgrade Rimworld to this version.

When I opened this same saved game in 1.3.3067, I started noticing permanent damage was being mapped incorrectly or something along that line... I had colonists having permanent damage to body parts that weren't damaged before. It's likely these colonists did have other permanent damage, but not to the parts that they appeared on in 1.3.3067.

For instance, as the image LeftRadiusLeftFoot.png, this colonist did not have a missing radius or foot before. I know this because this colonist never moved at 50% speed before or have manipulation at 48%.

This issue becomes more apparent with colonists that I put prosthetics on... (see other images attached). These colonists have limbs removed but they have bionics that are attached to places that make no sense... e.g. bionic arm on left index finger? bionic leg on left second toe? bionic leg on right thumb?


Loaded up a save that was working fine yesterday excited to try out the new update only to find out one of my colonists are borderline useless unless I get rid of their implants. They had a power claw in place of a normal hand for both arms and their Manipulation stat was at 100% when otherwise healthy until the recent update. Now, Colonist has 0% manipulation and both their Radii and hands are considered "removed". Image attached is a screenshot of my colonist's health panel, post-update. Not sure how to recreate this bug other than transferring a 1.2 save to 1.3 with a colonist who has a power claw (or in this case, two power claws). On top of this, my mortars have suddenly had their barrels all degraded fully, only now since the update.

Download link for Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SqD4w_XPjg0-m_P2tN3uSTmbNJxAhtyo/view?usp=sharing

//not sure how to get my log data, I tried my best to find it :( so sorry ;-; //


I think this goes beyond just body part swaps. I think some permanent health damage is also being either swapped or mapped incorrectly. But this doesn't seem to be happening with all permanent damage because I've had other colonists that seemingly have the same correct permanent damage they had before 1.3.3067 (e.g. a prosthetic heart in the correct spot... the heart).

Moderator note:

This has been fixed since and is no longer present in 1.3.3082


I have a similar issue, the implants and some scars/amputations have switch places in the body after loading a save file, now i have a colonist without limbs and implants ond weird locations, for example, a wooden leg in the right big toe, and missing left leg and hips.

Other scenario changes a destroyed toe to a shin bone.


I am also having this issue. My colonists have bionic arms on their noses and a lot of injuries they didn't have before the update.

Others are reporting it as well in the steam community pages. Some reported it happening to them with 100% vanilla version so I don't think its related to any mods.

Example image


I am also having this issue, completely vanilla 1.3.3066 with no mods or DLCs installed.

The mapping appears consistent for the prosthetics I am aware of:
- left arm becomes nose
- right leg becomes left second toe
- left leg becomes right thumb

Savegame exhibiting this issue available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4m9m8iq2lgb13n/Diggers.rws?dl=1
It's worth noting that my version was 1.3.something at the time the prosthetics were installed, so this isn't just an issue of compatibility from 1.2.

Even for Randy, this one's a bit harsh.


Same issue here: Just prior to the update I successfully installed a bionic leg (right leg), and my pawn was woozily going to grab a meal.
Loaded the game after the update and he is now bleeding out from limbs that weren't missing before, and the bionic leg is installed on left toe.


Just chiming in to say I am also seeing this issue on many colonists. Here are a couple examples:


I have a similar issue, here's a screenshot of one of my colonists who should have a bionic leg, but I guess it's attached to their thumb now lol


I think this is due to the latest patch. I have this problem too in version 1.3067 Did you see this issue as soon as you started up the game after the update?



Fix? kind of...
If you use the "Restore Body Part" tool, and select torso, it will wipe any kind of damage. If they have missing limbs, they will be restored. If they have prosthetics, they will be deleted. Pull off what you can, and then restore them completely. However, I've noticed that this issue will occur again when you load the save up again, so I would just leave your colony for now, and start a new one while the devs start bug fixing. I haven't uploaded a bug report because I don't have the time to do a proper one, so I'll just add my two cents.


I just loaded my save again and the issue is no longer there. I noticed before I loaded I received a message about the mod order being different in the save (Core, Ideology, Royalty) vs my current order (Core, Royalty, Ideology). So possibly this was related to the game having the DLC loaded in an unexpected order.

This is also after the latest patch so maybe they fixed it there and it wasn't in the notes.


I loaded my save from 1.2 and after a few minutes one of my colonists required rescue. Before the up date they had a peg leg for one leg and a wooden foot on the other side, now they have what can be seen in the screenshot and are thus unable to walk.

Left leg, right tibia, right foot, utility slot: removed???
Right femur: wooden foot?
Right thumb: peg leg?

Only mod running is replace stuff + harmony.