[1.3.3067] Charity pawns upset if wanderer dies while being treated

Started by ParadoxSong, July 21, 2021, 06:37:39 PM

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When reporting a bug, please include:

1. What the circumstances were.
I had a transport pod event where an enemy faction pawn crashed near my base but on the other side of a ~15 tile thick marsh.

2. What happened.
I paused, set a pawn nearby to "capture" (rescue isn't an option) and had him brought to a indoor sleeping spot converted into a prisoner area for emergency care. By the time that happens and the guy gets back with medicine, we're down five of the 6 hour lifetime. Treatment begins, and I watch as the estimate goes down to 0.4... 0.3, etc, all the way down to 1 second. Despite actively being tended to (though no wounds were healed in time) my whole Charity (Essential) colony got the mood debuff for them dying untreated. I literally could not have done more.

3. What you expected to happen.
For the act of being elbow-deep in the dude at the time of death to count as evidence of charity. I'm bothered more by the lack of recognition that I tried than I am about the mood debuff.

4. Steps we can follow to make the bug appear on our machine. This part is important! We need a set of steps which we can follow to get the same results you're seeing. Ideally you'll test these steps to make sure they work from scratch.

To reproduce have a wanderer in need of medical assistance and time your doctor beginning to treat them with their death. The penalty will apply.

5. Savegame file
It's very helpful to include a savegame, especially when you have trouble reproducing the bug.

Commitment mode, sorry.