[REQUEST] Factionless Raiders/Visitors

Started by Swarx, July 22, 2021, 01:24:44 AM

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Not every pawn on the planet should belong to a major faction. There should also be plenty of unaffiliated scavengers, bandits, wanderers, etc. scattered across the rimworld - people that nobody would miss if your colony happened to kill/capture them.

I believe this could be accomplished by adding a few more hidden factions to go alongside Ancients, Mechanoid Hive, etc.

Wanderers: These outlanders, ranging from outlawed vagrants to free traders, have struck out on their own, and don't belong to any particular community. They usually roam the outskirts, far from any faction's territory, looking to barter with smaller colonies and isolated homesteads. Others are private scavengers and tech hunters, passing by on their way to sift through old world ruins. Though these independent wanderers aren't subject to the laws and taxes imposed by confederations, it is a hard life nonetheless, not to mention dangerous - nobody will come looking for them.

(pawn types: Villager, Drifter, Scavenger Gunner, Trader)

Bandits: These lawless vagabonds lack any central leadership, operating in small, roving bands unaffiliated with any faction, including the major pirate outfits. Their origins vary, but many are the dispossessed remnants of destroyed colonies and fallen civilizations, now driven to a desperate life of looting and robbery.

(pawn types: Drifter, Scavenger Gunner, Scavenger Thrasher, Pirate Gunner)

Nomads: These tribal peoples hail from smaller, more obscure clans that retained a completely nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle, as opposed to many of the larger tribes that have since settled down in villages to adopt pastoralism and agriculture. During their endless travels, nomads may visit other settlements for trade, though they aren't above raiding and thieving if they've fallen on hard times.

(pawn types: Penitent, Archer, Warrior, Hunter, Trader)