[1.3.3069] High Stellarch title required apparel impossible to wear

Started by Aldarann, July 24, 2021, 06:46:17 AM

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1. What the circumstances were.
I bestowed title of High Stellarch to one of my colonists.

2. What happened.
He was already wearing Slicecap, but I created a Visage Mask for him. But both are Headgear slots and cannot be worn together, causing permanent -4 mood modifier due to "Want High Stellarch apparel"

3. What you expected to happen.
Either to be able to wear both mentioned items at once, or change one of them to item from some other gear slot.


When creating your ideoligion, it shouldn't be possible to create a position that requires conflicting apparel. How did you manage it?


It was one of the default ones. I did not customize the ideologion.


My universe secretary has a -4 mood penalty for not wearing slice cap, so I make him one, he wears it, now he has -4 penalty for not wearing visage mask.  It's impossible to wear both at the same time.  IS this a bug, or am I not getting something?


You can select a religion already in the game, including the one used by the Empire. The name varries, but nothing else does.
Ironically that results in your Leader Role being called "High Stellarch"

Stellarch gear:
That bug has been reported for a while. He never had his full set of gear, always suffering the mood debuff. It was a minor annoyance for keeping him happy so he takes you off the planet.

You do not have to just take the Religion wholesale. You can modify the precepts - within the limits of the Memes - to get better result.
I would use dev mode and change it so that your variant of the religion does not need the conflicting item. And maybe no longer call your leader the High Stellarch.

Moderator Note:

This has been resolved in recent updates, please repost if this bug appears again!


It is a old bug with the High Stellarch apparel requirements. Maybe Tynan gets around to fix it.

In the meantime, you can change it to not require that item anymore usuing Dev Tools.