Is the archotech nexus quest available to all 'ideoms' ?

Started by Lightzy, July 30, 2021, 03:31:06 PM

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I started playing with archotechists but it's really not fun, they get so many minuses to happiness sometimes you can't send them out in a caravan without everyone breaking down when they return.
They get -10 from needing their anti-aging, -6 from needing their morning coffee neural boost, -12 very very very often because all their 'special' crap makes them starving all the time and their AI breaks so they're basically constantly starving, they break down very often even if you have everything, just because sometimes there's a raid or some other event and they miss some stupid treatment.. and it's dangerous to send them out in caravans where everyone breaks down into a murderous rage as soon as they're back sometimes)

However at some point I got an interesting quest line that has to do with the archotech nexus, and I'd like to follow it.

But I really don't feel like playing archotechists anymore, it's just not fun. Is the quest available to everyone?


Were they changed in the patch or are you playing modded? Because last I looked they had no minuses from not using the high tech stuff.

Edit: They are now displayed, but they require quite high expectations to even be applied.

Age reversel only triggers on High Expectations
Neural Supercharge and Body Modification on Moderate

Prostethic thing can still be fullfilled with a Peg leg or other downgrade.
Biosculpting and Supercharger meanwhile come just after Microelectronics. Not particulary hard to get if you are already on Moderate expectations.


I'm not on moderate expectations, and basically they start expecting it the moment I get to that tech.
But that doesn't matter, even when I have EVERYTHING they still break down very often breakdown when coming back from caravan because when they come back they're missing all their things and get a huge debuff and breakdown.

It's basically not playable on commitment mode (which is the only way to play for me).

I just want to know if the quest is for everyone


Biosculpting and Body Modding is done in the main base and sticks with them, wherever they go.
The Neural Supercharge is a item. Have you tried to just bring one along, like you would bring along bedrolls?

If the Neural Supercharge can not be brought along that would be a bug. One that needs a bug report.
If you get the penalties without being at the required level of Expectations, that would be a plain old bug. One that needs a bug report.
If you get penalties like "I got no cybernetics" or "I got no anti-aging treatment" despite having cybernetics and low age, that also would be a bug. One that needs a bug report.

It sounds like all your issues would be either genuine bugs that need reporting - or a user error.