More ritual reward choices!

Started by Deadkarma37, July 27, 2021, 08:30:25 PM

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I would love to see some more result choices for our rituals. Right now we can get a small number of benefits from the rituals. I think some historical rewards for our rituals are really needed to flesh out the whole ritual mechanic.
Fertility: Increase fertility in a random growing zone
Weather Change: Change to good weather or maybe even call down lightning during a raid.
End Event: Love to see the ability to try and perform a ritual to end events like toxic fallout and the like.
Divine Protection: Brings down an attack on a random enemy location.
Of course there are a ton of other options as well.
Would love to see classic rituals like rain dances, fertility rites and human sacrifices for the hope of divine protection. Would make for some cool Ideology scenarios!