Ideology Blind Psysense. Does it give Psylink level without Loyalty DLC?

Started by khun_poo, July 29, 2021, 01:51:04 PM

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I have royalty DLC so I did not mind this much. However, Isn't this meme kinda awkward when they have a chance to provide psycast that's it's almost the core thing for Royalty? Still, if it's not give a psylink level but only give +psychic sensitive, kinda meh imo.

I think it should give something else due to the different between 2 DLC. Maybe get some new skill just from the psysense specially. For example; a Mind eye that's boost the sight +100% to you and every allied around you for a moment or etc.


Now I kind of want to test this out by disabling Royalty and using the dev tools. Maybe the blindness meme (precept?) should just be disabled if you don't have Royalty?