[1.5][MODLIST] Glitter Tech Classic

Started by Sam_, August 16, 2014, 05:41:59 AM

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Do you think this mod should be broken into smaller mods?

Yes, but have an option for all features in a mod pack.



Ooh, suggestion! Rejuve tanks:Beds with twice the hospital bed modifier but also with 30/10 rest efficiency. Each costs 100-200 Titanium, along with 10-20 Glitterworld Medicine to create.




The Re-Ambulation pod has literally 0 comfort.

Even the floor is more comfortable.

The dude I set to sleep in one for the 50% rest eff is having constant terrible moods with which the 3% mood for constant discomfort is not helping...


Quote from: hector212121 on May 13, 2015, 03:37:12 PM

The Re-Ambulation pod has literally 0 comfort.

Even the floor is more comfortable.

The dude I set to sleep in one for the 50% rest eff is having constant terrible moods with which the 3% mood for constant discomfort is not helping...

Does that look comfy?

It has the same level of comfort as the vanilla medical bed...zero. I literally copied the medical bed def to make the Re-Ambulation pod, and didn't notice I could have added a comfort stat. To sum up your complaint; it's a medical bed. Don't sleep in it.

It's very powerful, in fact, it takes about half a day or more to completely heal wounds that don't need surgery. That means most wounds except gunshots and such just vanish. Perfect for removing the multitude of burns you get from mechanoid attacks and my APB weapons.

If you want I'll add an advanced bed in the next update, seeing as it will take me a second.


Quote from: Sam_ on May 14, 2015, 12:17:57 AM
Does that look comfy?

That depends, how sedated am I?
I can speak from first hand experience - with enough sedation hardwood floors become roughly as comfy as clouds.
A prison yard is certainly a slightly more elegant solution to Cabin Fever than mine...

I just chop their legs off... legless prisoners don't suffer cabin fever


I was thinking it was full of some kind of gel?

Because glittertech?


Quote from: hector212121 on May 14, 2015, 06:23:13 AM
I was thinking it was full of some kind of gel?

Because glittertech?

Maybe it has an anti-gravity effect and a steam valve so you literally float on clouds.

I was more imaging a robotic construct that operated on you without a need for a doctor. I suppose it doesn't help that I left it untextured. That should change.
I personally never used vanilla medical beds as normal beds. Perhaps I missed a good tactic, but I seemed like common sense to me.


My biggest problem is the raids and sieges from the new factions are incredibly rare.  I was getting nothing but tribals until I pissed off the friendly town.  Also during that time I only saw one raid from the commandos.  Taking a look at the Defs I noticed you had their raid commonality set at a 25 while vanilla tribes, towns, and pirates are set at 100.  Even Mechanoids are set at 45.  I would suggest boosting them up at least to as common as mechanoids since the Commandos seem to replace the pirates.  I put both Commandos and Orion up to 60 to spice up my current play and things have gotten more hostile :D.

If you are worried about the Commandos striking so hard too soon just push the earliest raid days back another month or 2.


Can you buy titanium from traders? Because I'm having trouble finding any to mine.


What do you use the make the alpha and beta poly's? I can't seem to find the crafting table for it. As well as the computer components, magnetic coils, silicon and such, could someone make a list of how to aquire these items for me please?


Where do I get the computer components to make that? Traders?


Quote from: RedTiger on May 16, 2015, 03:42:31 PM
What do you use the make the alpha and beta poly's? I can't seem to find the crafting table for it. As well as the computer components, magnetic coils, silicon and such, could someone make a list of how to aquire these items for me please?

You need to do a lot of research, and you require a lot of materials, mostly from traders. The intention is to bring the building to a next level. The matter fabricator is designed to be used only once you have Xenon Ion turbines, as 65k usage is just beyond even an array of geothermal generators.
I often found my play-throughs went into a number of years, and after the second one all I was doing was expanding housing. Now you actually have work to do.


Quote from: Canute on May 17, 2015, 05:32:02 AM
Ok, i am not sure if this is an effect of this mod only or a general thing.
But it happen alot with the EMRG-1.
When i kill someone with the EMRG-1 mosttimes a 1hit kill, the corpse disappear too, just the weapon and inventory left.

I got this effect before even without Glitter, but then Rimworld was running hours, and a restart of it mosttimes fix it. But this time it happen straight from a fresh start too.
Anyone else notice this ?

From what I understand dead bodies have item health, just like everything else on the floor. A really strong weapon may cause the body to have some damage, destroying it. Especially if it is explosive.


can female colonist use re-ambulation pods for receive medical treatment?  they can sleep on it but i didnt tried medical treatment yet.