[Question] Increasing melee skill for an animal

Started by Valor, August 12, 2021, 07:58:48 PM

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If I would like to have an animal species with higher melee skill than 4, how should I update the XML, please? Anyone could provide me with example.

Thank you!


are you sure that animals have melee skill of 4?

as far as i can see skill value is not used (directly) in code at all.


Might not be melee skill then?

This is what I am refering to


Any idea how to change (increase) it for specific animal species please?


I looked at the XML autodoc and found
Maybe add these to your custom animal def.

but hey i am a noob in that, maybe RawCode know something better.


You advice was sound and produced wanted effect (through in a bit more cumbersome way)

for future reference, this works.

in ThingDef


it will make base value 1000% and that will get turned to 84% in post processing (quite reasonable number for combat animal)

Once again, thank you!


value of 4 comes from
    <label>melee hit chance</label>
    <description>Chance to hit a target in melee.\n\nThe target can still dodge even if we would've hit.</description>