A charitable way to kick pawns out.

Started by Hilvon, August 20, 2021, 06:46:07 AM

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Not sure if this idea is fitting to the main game or better served as a mod, but I have a problem.

I play as charitable Ideology. So I never turn down beggars or refugees. This was kind of the main premise of this playthrough.
But apparently letting a wanderer permanently join your colony is also a charity. Meaning my rule of never failing to be charitable, resulted in my colony population getting a bit bloated a bit fast.

Sure, there are also "natural" way of losing colonists, like getting a head shot off by Lancer, or Giving up and abandoning the colony... but this is not able to keep up with the speed I gain colonists. And obviously being charitable people, my colony is not going to banish or execute anyone.

So I wanted to propose an idea. Add a checkbox to social tab for a colonist suggesting they should leave. The "unwelcome" colonist gets a minor mood debuf. Anyone in the colony related to this colonist as Friend or close get a negative mood debuf (stackable). Colonists who are rivals with the "unvelcome" pawn get a small positive mood.

When a trade caravan is leaving the colony, "unwelcome" pawns have a chance to leave together with the caravan.

Plus if they get a mental break, chance of them picking "give up" is increased.

Lovers/Partners of departing colonist have a chance proportional to relationship to depart together with them even if they are no unwelcome.


Why not actually have a charitable way of getting rid of pawns.  Give them a stack of actual survival goods and send them off to set up an allied settlement nearby?  We use something like the raid quest mechanic to set up a site, that creates a certain resource that you can collect. So a mine, a farm or whatever.


I'd definitely send out unwanted colonists with loads of supplies, even without the charitable ideology. Just avoiding a mood penalty, in exchange for some resources seems like a fair trade to me. You could even give it a bit more depth, by having it take a few days to pack, say fare-wells (similar to insulting mental breaks, but with socializing instead), or have a farewell party sending the people off!  : )