QoL: Replant trees via designation

Started by Syrus, August 21, 2021, 09:59:42 AM

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Can we please have the option of replanting trees with a single action instead of having to "extract" them and then replanting them via the minified thing?
It should make the colonist dig up the tree, carry the minified tree over and then replant it at the designated place, without requiring anymore interaction.

Something like this:

As you can see, I've tried to mod this in, but in all honesty I'm not experienced enough to make it happen.
There's just a lot of things I don't know about when it comes to how the jobs are generated, or how to get from a thing to a blueprint without having a minified tree...
While I did get a preview blueprint to show for the tree, it's as far as I could before getting stuck. Not to mention the need to add the extract tree job before replanting.

Anyway, would be much better to have this as a base game functionality, considering the need to replant a lot of trees when playing an Ideology which doesn't enjoy the good old Man vs Nature concept of life.

It'd also be good if "Extract Trees" was available as a drag-selection order. The functionality is there, I accidentally had it work that way at some point, there's just no button for it.
