(Idea) Late Game Reactors and Weapons

Started by Nanaz, August 17, 2014, 07:11:31 AM

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I have no idea how to mod Rimworld but  i got the idea from Iron Man how Tony Stark had the Original Arc Reactor, The big one to power his house, My idea was to have a Arc Reactor that gives out power (Since its gonna be late game, it should give out a good output that is greater then the Geothermal generator like around 6000-18000 Output) but to obtain the Arc Reactor you need to research (Nuclear Fusion)  that would be at 19,000-26,000 Research Points when you finish Researching you obtain the Arc Reactor and build it but after that another project comes up and its "Arc Weapons", these weapons could do Fire damage and of coarse it will be energy weapons that could be Swords or Rifles at a High damage and range but at low Rate of fire. I made some rough Sprites to show what they could be.
Large Arc Reactor http://prntscr.com/4dnfrr
Small Arc Reactor http://prntscr.com/4dnftc
Massive Arc Reactor : http://prntscr.com/4dxu4c
(Feel free to use these for your mod, Just send me a PM saying your using these textures)
"Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground." -John Lennon


I would add in other rare to get components to make something like that for late game, such as specialized AI chips to control the system, add in silver + metal requirements, perhaps even a required "build up" of energy stage to power it up, similar to how the Jaxis Shields work but make it a pretty lengthy timer once all the power resources are in place.

Just some thoughts!


Quote from: Palad1n on August 18, 2014, 01:06:22 PM
I would add in other rare to get components to make something like that for late game, such as specialized AI chips to control the system, add in silver + metal requirements, perhaps even a required "build up" of energy stage to power it up, similar to how the Jaxis Shields work but make it a pretty lengthy timer once all the power resources are in place.

Just some thoughts!
I wish thinking of the same thing before, i will see what i can do :)
"Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground." -John Lennon


Also, if you manage to get it destroyed, it should go a VERY BIG BOOOOOOOM!
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    Harlan Ellison