Meme Idea: The Hunter

Started by Deer87, September 16, 2021, 03:34:50 AM

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Love the new DLC, but I figured that the nature focused Memes could use a supplement that was less "Hippie".
Consider a tribe of Hunters, venerating the wolf (or other predators) and the hunt. They look down on crop growth, but are completely against ranching as animals, especially prey, should roam free.
Their specialist is the Hunter (ranged) and the Crafter that turn the Gifts of the Wild into tools and clothing.
They have a ritual that can summon a migrating herd of prey (which balace wise can help them through a hard winter but lore wise also seems awesome with a drum circle that kicks off The Hunt).

Semirelated: Im setting up an Artemis Cult with female superiority - Think the Huntresses from AC Odessy. Could be cool with a precept that can forbid one gender from specific roles. I know, I can do it manually and roleplay it, but I think it could be a nice addition to the DLC.

Anyway, it was just an idea :)