Make Animals Join as Colonists when Tamed like 'Wildman'?

Started by rockenman11, October 05, 2021, 03:59:11 AM

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I've been looking into the defs of the core, trying to find some code of the Wild man that I can copy over to an Animal so it too becomes a colonist once tamed. I've already seen changing of a factions to 'Humanlike' (any help to make individual animals humanlike would be awesome). I'm thinking of copying the animals behaviours to make a new 1, but with the Wild man specific edits. Any help is appreciated


well, _try_ to find wildman def and compare it to chiken def, make exactly same changes to chiken def and you will get "chiken colonist" (kind of)


I tried adding a new Race with intelligence of a human, and got null errors with it not being loaded. I also tried editing the race in Race_AnimalBase to have a new Race to work from. I think this might be a bit difficult for me, I'm dropping this project but any help from what to do for the code from here would be helpful.
<ThingDef Name="BasePawn" Name="DonkeyThingBase" Abstract="True">
      <li MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology">ITab_Pawn_Slave</li>

<ThingDef Abstract="True" ParentName="DonkeyThingBase" Name="BaseShrek">
      <foodType>OmnivoreAnimal, AnimalProduct</foodType>
        <li MayRequire="Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology">InsectMeat</li>
      <li Class="CompProperties_CanBeDormant" />
      <li Class="CompProperties_WakeUpDormant">


Quote from: RawCode on October 05, 2021, 04:36:32 AM
well, _try_ to find wildman def and compare it to chiken def, make exactly same changes to chiken def and you will get "chiken colonist" (kind of)

So I was able to convert a megascarab to humanlike with it's attributes, but for some reason it's appearing as a body with no head or hair when spawned in. Any fixes for this?