Rimworld Algorithm and AI Model

Started by r4gTime, October 13, 2021, 09:09:16 AM

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Hello everyone,

I would like to create a "simulation of life", like a simulation of independent agents trying to survive by their own following their own rules. I'm looking for state of art in this field and I would be really to curious to know how it works for Rimworld.

So do you know guys if it possible to get the architecture of colonist management ? How actions are chosen, how characteristics influence decisions, etc...

Thank you very much for your help !


Hi r4g,

There are a tonne of mechanics in play in rimworld but a very significant portion of what we perceive as interaction between pawns and their environment or the "simulation of life" as you called it is actually illusionary.

Tynan actually did a talk for GDC about the core mechanics of Rimworld and what the player perceives vs what the game represents the talk is available to view on YouTube and may be worth watching as it may answer a lot of your questions.


Thank for your reply.

If you talk about this vid : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdqhHKjepiE
Then I watched it and I think it is very interesting, but is not really related to my question.

My question is really : What is the decision-making algorithm that colonists follow, for example :
Decision Making :
     Get Lower-Statisfied Need :
          Get List of Actions where Need is statisfied

Thanks anyway !