[1.3.3117] Inconsistent nudity opinions

Started by ManateeLamppost, October 19, 2021, 06:39:52 PM

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Had a colonist who is a nudist and believes in an ideoligion that requires nudity who was wearing a slave collar, the colonist is both happily nude from the nudist trait, and unhappy that he is wearing clothing from his ideology. Upon further testing with my mod to make collars and body straps not count towards nudity it seems that ideoligions are checking for <countsAsClothingForNudity>false</countsAsClothingForNudity> but nudists are checking for something else? (covered location?) I'd expect that these would be consistent and for it not to be possible for a pawn to both be considered nude and clothed at the same time. To reproduce, simply create a nudist pawn who follows an ideology that requires nudity and force them to wear a slave collar.


Thanks for the bug report.  I think this may just be a small oversight, since we also allow wearing belts and helmets.  I will get this in for devs to review and see if a change should be made.