Updated Rimworld XML Auto-Documentation

Started by Epicguru, October 25, 2021, 10:33:52 PM

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Hello there!
This is an updated, re-written version of milon's orignal tool.
The default documentation includes the base game defs, and both DLC.

Try it out:
Open it in your browser here!

This is a tool for modders and/or people learning how to mod.
For more information, please see milon's thread above, or check out the github page.

You can unlock more features by downloading the generator and running it locally:

  • Click on def file names to open them automatically!
  • Add your mod's def folders. The default documentation includes the base game and both DLC, but you can add your mods too.


How come no comments here?! This is great!
I've come to rely on this tool, and I was concerned it has become outdated. Glad you stepped in!
Many thanks.


Made an account for this forum just so I can show my gratitude to you for doing this. :) Thank you sir, have been looking far and wide for an updated source for this.