[1.3.3200] Haul job batching ignores prisoner food reservation

Started by glass zebra, February 07, 2022, 08:33:43 AM

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glass zebra

Prisoner food will be hauled out of a prison if people can do a batch haul job with it. Usually food in prisons can not be hauled since its reserved for prisoners. If you have some of that food outside of the prison, someone can go there and haul it and then extend that haul job with nearby items of the same type, which will ignore the prison restriction.

Going for prisoner food after picking up outside food: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1822271866492255749/5404D2B4269DB04CB455BE334395571D7AF03FC7/
Having removed all prisoner food: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1822271866492256104/12EBD55CC1BD8BE7C59C76492E066F24825248BC/

This is a rather old bug. I've seen animals do this in the past and thought animals just had a different logic, but just realised that normal pawns can do this too. This can be mildly annoying if you drop a meal outside of a prison (e.g. because you do some prioritising job when someone is hauling/trying to eat a meal) and then someone goes there and picks up that meals + every single meal in the prison that your warden moved there for the sleeping prisoners for breakfast

Both DLCs, no mods used.


Hey glass zebra.  Do you really view this as a bug?  When you reported this I simply thought "Oh, an easy way to get food out of a prison without turning it off from being a prison."  Do you think there is an actual problem here, do you forsee some sort of issue from this?  If not, it seems like just a quirk of the game rather than a bug.

glass zebra

It can cause issues when there is food dropped near the prison and someone steals the food from the prisoners. If you have your kitchen and your prison next to each other, this can probably happen a lot. I don't know if I would call dropping food nearby to get meals out of a prison an easy way to do this. This sounds rather hacky.

I personally had this happening like maybe.. 3 times that I've noticed, so this probably won't cause an issue usually. It's still an indicator that problems could arise due to how this works out and this mechanic dodge might touch more things than just this specific haul restriction being ignored. I thought it would just be good to raise this, since it's a way to circumvent some rule the game presents. Maybe it's just offends my sense of structure more than being an issue, but since it a case where some rule gets broken, I thought it's better to report it. I've seen people having problems feeding prisoners, but it usually turned out to be something else (usually a mod).

I would call it a bug, but not a common or severe one. I just didn't want to ignore bugs (if you are just putting them down as super low priority, that is of course fine). I am just reporting everything not working cleanly at this point, since Rimworld is one of the highest quality games I know, I seem to have the chance to help improve it even further and your feedback is amazing : P


I'll put it on my internal document for review then, thanks again for the report.