[1.3.3200] Learning psy powers early blocks learning any on level up

Started by glass zebra, February 12, 2022, 08:03:51 AM

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glass zebra

Learning a higher level psy powers with a trainer blocks learning any for free when reaching that level. The tooltip just states that your pawn can't use it when you order to use the psy trainer. This comes off as a "you can learn it now, but won't be able to use it until later", which is a choice you could be making to reduce current wealth (because level 6 trainers have quite a bit value) or maybe to make sure you have that power on level up on top of what you will learn, with the downside of not being able to use it.
What it does in reality is: you learn that power now, can't use it and will not get any power when you reach that level, which is both not indicated in the tooltip and makes the whole action also pretty detrimental. Freely choosing to have one less power granted by spending money on a somewhat rare item is probably not what people are buying this for. Even if you would leave the item in your storage and just level up and get the power for free anyway would at least give you the option to learn this with another pawn or sell it again.

I'd say either the tooltip should be changed to indicated that it blocks learning any power of that rank on you level up or the mechanic. Right now it seems a bit misleading and like a trap a player can fall into, just because the game didn't tell the whole effect of the action.

Warning when learning skipshield (level 6): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1822272203090640774/5DEF941FDFC7489AE578F22C49A23A2A25C0CDE3/
No level 6 power learned: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1822272203090641057/F2704652DE3BC4E1887893C3416CA0640789824E/

I always thought it just does not remove the learned power from the free learn roll on level up, so you can just get bad luck and roll it again. I just didn't use it anymore before the level. This post has pointed out that you do in fact restrict yourself from learning any at all: https://steamcommunity.com/app/294100/discussions/0/6081551521111340177/?ctp=2#c6081551521113347518

Both DLCs, no mods used.


Thanks for the bug report.  I think you should still get a random psylink personally but I don't make the big decisions, so I will bring it up with the devs to see if this needs a re-write of dialogue warnings or if indeed there should be a new psylink added.