Colonist Not Following Drug Schedule

Started by Oleug68, February 17, 2022, 06:43:39 PM

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One of my pawns is not following his intended luciferium drug schedule, like the other luciferium scheduled pawns.

Can you please take a look?

Here is the link to my OneDrive:!Ar2b_cgMtSFBjDkiu6N5lGddxwK8?e=6uLC1s

Thank You!


Thanks for the report.  I ran this save without mods and all pawns took drugs on schedule.  The only thing I noticed that could be causing problems if you have them assigned to all carry around 5 seperate drugs with them constantly, and a pawn can only carry 3 drugs on them at a time. Therefore some aren't carrying lucy on them when they need to take it, so wait to the end of their work shift to take the lucy.
