[1.3.3287] Rancher meme not granting extra animal and butcher yield

Started by glass zebra, March 01, 2022, 10:26:13 AM

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glass zebra

Preface: I thought this was by design but since the new patch notes stated "Reduce Rancher meme's plant work speed factor from 0.9 to 0.70. [...] and balances the meme more simply, with an upside to animal raising matched by a downside to crop raising." I thought I point this out just to be sure this is not an oversight.

Butcher yield and animal yield are both capped at 100%. The extra yield from the ranching meme quickly does not do anything anymore (animal 8, cooking 10) and already has reduced bonus really early on (animal >4, cooking >3). Since you do not get anything extra from raising animals compared to other memes but need 40% more time to sow/harvest hay than people without the ranching meme, it seems like non-ranchers actually have a bonus over ranchers to raise animals.

Precept: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829029367516415581/7360124538F3EDA5F6B7EB8EE4268518D18D69CC/
Animal yield: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829029367516402470/0F0C15278F93C0795D71E0FFE1D6C07E77122764/
Butcher yield: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1829029367516402763/1B945F9B4C35DA8EC5ED50962984BCBF3F7FF493/

Ranchers get the 10% animal product sell boost (which does not apply to every animal thing. E.g. milk, eggs and insect jelly do not sell for more even though they are they only items named "animal product" in filters), the specialist and raise their skill faster. These boni are almost gone after maybe 1 year of playing (with normal ranch animals), leaving you with more problems feeding your animals (Royality DLC with field hands alleviate this a bit) and in general a worse pen animal ranch than non-ranchers. Animals that do require retaming like dogs and guinea pigs are indeed boosted (in early game with low skill), but in my opinion people usually think of stuff like chickens and cows with a ranch, which do not get any kind of boost and just more troubles with hay. On top of that, dogs and a lot of other animals are at 100% training chance without the specialist and a rather low animal skill too, so only the wildest animals or really low animal handlers really get a boost with this meme.

Is it intended that the rancher has the same 100% cap on animal yield and butcher yield as everyone else? These bonuses are gone so so quickly and might not even be visible if people just start with pawns with some high skills in these. The words in the patchnotes seem to indicate an upside that I am not seeing, apart for the not-that-ranchy animals that require taming and also have high wilderness.

I made a steam thread about the patch changes if you are interested. I felt this patch was a nerf for the rancher since eating meat and slaughtering animals was something that you do later on anyway with normal gameplay, but the growing malus can never be removed and is such a universally needed one. Though nobody agreed with me: https://steamcommunity.com/app/294100/discussions/0/3192493519712133754/

People might think you get 20% more meat/leather/eggs over non-ranchers forever, which is only true for maybe the first month of the colony. The words in the patch notes hint that this thought might be the same for the devs and might simply be an oversight in the formula, being applied before the capped calculation instead of after.

Both DLCs, no mods.


Did you test it with butchering stuff or did you just compare the values of the info page ?
Maybe there is some none-visible flag at the calculation when you got these bonus from the meme.
Since i lack ideology i can't investigate myself.
Just butcher 2 same animals, with and without the meme.
When you got allways the same out of it, it is indeed a bug or oversight (through the 100% hardcap).

glass zebra

I did test it for animal yield since those values are easy to remember and the stuff is often just idling on the floor to see. That's actually the reason why I checked the info card on the colonists for the first time to see what's going on.

After your comment I tested it for butchering and it does grant the exact value written on the animal and not 20% more of that. I tested it in the same colony with one of my rancher ideology cooks and another cook with another ideology without that meme. Both got the exact same amount from butchering for both meat and leather.


I brought this up to Tynan and he states that it is intended to not get more than the base maximum product.  I brought up your points as well and he says he will give it a think for rebalance.  No promises of course, but as of nowt this is working as intended.