I wish Ideology expanded on sexual orientation

Started by Intrspace, July 22, 2022, 06:14:31 AM

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Hi :)
I feel like Ideology is the perfect way to implement "social acceptability" of sexual orientations in a way that pleases everyone.
I thought it would be a precept and look something like this:

Homosexuality: Forbidden / Disapproved / Accepted / Encouraged / Required

This would affect the chance of gay Romance attempts, give slight mood de/buff for people in a gay relationship and opinion boost/malus of gay pawns.
But I feel the most important change would be adding a "Heterosexual" trait, which would indicate the pawn will never accept a gay Romance attempt regardless of their ideologion's "Homosexuality" precept. Pawns without a sexuality trait would be treated as bisexuals with a strong preference for the opposite gender. The strength of this preference would be modified by the precept.
So in practice, a "Heterosexual" trait pawn would never fall into a gay relationship even if the ideologion encourages or requires it.
Traitless pawns would fall into a gay relationship only sometimes, only with pawns they are already very close with and only if the precept is "Accepted" or higher. They would also never get married with a pawn of the same gender unless the ideologion requires it.
"Disapproved" would only allow gay romance between Gay and Bisexual trait pawns and they would not be allowed to marry.

What do you think? No offence was intended. :)
Thank you for your time :)

glass zebra

There are mod for that. I think after the past backlash the topic sexual orientation will never be touched by Ludeon again, so how ever missing you might think something is, your best choice for this is mods.


The mods only force existing traits on colonists globally. My proposed change would allow for flexibility and realism. Embedding it into Ideology is obvious


Interesting idea. Perhaps a Moodlet like "I'm trying to fit in... But this isn't me" -8 for a gay colonist in a straight demanded ideology for example, maybe even increase the recruit difficulty for pawns by a a fair amount to boot.

The idea has merit, but as said above, the people who would scream the loudest would shut down any idea along these lines that would be interesting story/ gameplay wise.
Anyone else felt their heart break when a pawns marriage falls apart?
Doc & Valarie, I shipped it, she flipped it.