My love for Alpha 6

Started by Astraeus, August 21, 2014, 11:20:45 PM

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Hi again guys, I've been meaning to write a positive thread about my experiences with A6 for some more community feel-good.

I've been on board since A1 and every time Tynan releases a new version, it's christmas come early. I always look forward to the releases and get at least a few hours each time. The introduction of the end-game ship made it easier to have something to 'work toward' as emergent game play just isn't my thing. I only get creative when I'm making a solution to a problem, not for the sake of design.

Since the introduction of the ship, my monthly play through would usually just include one colony start to end and I'd eagerly await the next release. A6 changed that though. I'm on my 4th colony since it released and I just can't seem to get enough. I really don't know why this release made such a huge difference, but I feel that the game is headed in a great direction.

Just for my 2c, if I could say anything more I'd like to see, it'd be more of a "progression" feeling for the colony. I know obviously the game is having content thrown in at a breakneck speed so when I say that I'd like to see the ship take a lot longer to research or at least GET to research as the final "goal" for a colony, I understand that there's probably a lot more Tynan would like to put in the "middle" of the game. I'd like to see the guns/armor/size of the raiders more slowly increase over time so an average colony start to "finish" takes longer than it does now, however I realize you can't really use a time based scale as a colony may vastly outpace a time based ramp up. It just feels that within an hour of pistols and Lee Enfield, you are already slinging M-24's and R4's.

I know a lot will probably disagree with me. I am an "end game, progression" kind of player, whereas this type of game usually attracts players huge on emergent creative game play. However, I've never understood why a game of this genre couldn't include both styles, especially when this one in particular is including so many different story tellers. I love starting with rocks and bows, and ending with hyper lasers of death, and especially the journey in between.

Anyway, that's the end of ramble. Thanks Ty for this amazing game, looking forward to see what else you've got for it.


+1 for progression.

If the player started out more primitive (instead of being able to immediately construct electric stoves, metal walls and powered doors, for example) then research would play a bigger part and the feeling of player progress would be more rewarding and last longer.

And it doesn't even have to be purely research based. The amount of time it takes a player to collect enough resources to build primitive tools to then build more advanced resources to build advanced tools is also a form of progress.

I'd love to see a stone forge required to turn metal into refined metal, for making electrical things for example.