Issue since most recent intergration update

Started by CodyRex123, December 08, 2022, 04:00:19 AM

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Ever since the most recent intergration update between Biotech and Ideology, I've had this one issue with my sanguphage pawns. I won't lie, I'm not the best at determining whats causing this and I of course do know its probably from some mod. I just haven't been able to figure out which one.
The game is throwing an error when they try to get a hemogen pack to fill up on hemogen. Essentially, its saying that the job allows only zero to be picked up.

I've put off playing the game several weeks hoping it'd resolve itself because I can't find a clear path myself to get it fixed aside from a painstaking process of hunting down any mods that mess with carrying. But now not anymore, does anybody have a barest hint of a clue of something I could do to fix this? I certainly don't think forever manually making them consume hemogen is viable.


Is it save file specific?

If it is there may be corruption in the file.
If not, then it may come down to turning all mods off and loading up one at a time until the problem presents itself again.

Anything that affects job orders would be my best guess as to which mod is causing errors.
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Doc & Valarie, I shipped it, she flipped it.