[MOD WIP] Neo-Sapeins (Apes)

Started by Calous, August 15, 2023, 06:54:21 PM

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For lack of a better title at this moment...

Anyway, I'm new to these forums (so if I'm posting in the wrong spot, please tell me), and I'm new to RimWorld modding (though I'm fairly familiar with most of the technologies for doing so).  Since this is my first modding project for RimWorld, I thought I'd use this thread as a way to chew over ideas and document my current progress.

First thing's first.  I've played with two "Planet of the Apes" mods in the past, and I'm definitely taking some inspiration from both of those, but my intention is not to reproduce the content of those mods.  I'm also pulling from other sources for inspiration.  I'll try and list as many as I can below:

- Planet of the Apes by Neronix17 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2823611507&searchtext=apes
- [B18] RimWorld of the Apes Mod 3.0 by Walkingproblem https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1198933031&searchtext=apes
- 1960's - 70's Planet of the Apes Movies
- 2001 Planet of the Apes
- David Brin's Uplift series of novels
- I'm sure there are more

While I might want to expand the scope to more creatures in the future, for now I'm going to stick with 4 of the Apes: Chimps, Bonobos (Chimps), Gorillas, and Orangutangs.  I also want to try and break the modding itself down into several distinct parts that I can learn about and work on.

Part 1: Create usable pawns and xenotypes
Part 2: Create ideologies and factions
Part 3: Create enhanced abilities/genes and behaviors (which will probably require at least a bit of C# coding).
Part 4: Extras (clothing, tools, buildings, etc). 

This list may get added to/modified as needed.

Any thoughts and ideas are welcomed!


Part 1:
I want to do the following:

- keep things as simple as possible.
- re-use as much of the standard RimWorld art as I can
- use the Genes from RimWorld's Biotech update to create my 4 new pawn types
- create Genes that can be mixed and matched for other potential projects

So first step - I need to actually set things up so that RimWorld can draw apes properly.  To that end I want to use the baseline RimWorld bodies and heads, but apply genetic modifications to them to make them look more ape-like.

So first I'm making these cosmetic genes (or something similar):
- ApeNose: this is going to create a nose + upper jawline (that kind of oval shape) that gives the apes their iconic look.  Since noses can be colored differently that the base skin, I might also extend a portion to cover under the eyes as well.

- LargeEars: I want my apes to have those large human-like ears sticking out from the sides of their heads.

- SagitalCrest (skulltype): Gorillas have a more pointed head (they have more jaw muscles that attach up high).  I'm putting this in place of where horns would go and just extending the head shape to a more pointed crest.  This is more prominent on males, but for now it will be applied to all gorilla pawns.

- CheekFlange: Orangutans (the males anyway) have a fleshy flange that makes their faces really round looking.  I'm putting this in place of the ears.  For now its being applied to every Orang, but in the future I'd like to make it so that it only applies to the males.

Chimps & Bonobos
- ApeNose
- LargeEars
- normal & small body types

- ApeNose
- LargeEars
- SagitalCrest
- Large body types

- ApeNose
- CheekFlange
- normal & large body types

I've got most of this done at this point.  I'll try and update with some images next.


I'm not super happy with the artwork, but as a proof of concept, you can see how things work.