[W|0.6.532] AI feeding priority

Started by nils, August 24, 2014, 07:56:14 PM

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I just had a bit of a situation (super-long psychic probe driving people insane and a huge pirate attack). Several people were wounded, some prisoners too. One of my few survivors is a really nice guy, because he decided it's a good idea to feed everybody else even though he was "starving".

I feel like he should just take 30sec and feed himself then help others - he won't do the colony any good dead or insane. ESPECIALLY in such an emergency situation.

Possible alternate solution: Give me the option to prioritize eating like you can prioritize other jobs.


I need to second this happening to me.
I don't really have a solution, but OPs idea might be viable. Either that or simply always prioritizing self?

I've lost two of my doctors so far to this, often happens after a large battle. I can force them to eat by disabling all prisoners (no food) and kicking all injured out of their beds.... not viable in the long run though.


The obvious solution is to turn off "Doctoring" for the pawn that is starving.  He then will not tend to someone else, and will instead feed himself.

I will agree however that needing to do this is inconvenient.  On the flip side, there are times when someone is in such bad shape I'd rather they tend to them and take a little starving damage themselves, first.  So it's a lose/lose really.


Good idea for a workaround (disabling doctoring).

I don't know how the AI is handled internally, but if the pawn is at a point where he might take any sort of damage from starvation then self-preservation should kick in. If we want this to be very complex, the NPC could make the decision based on damage/injury to the patient, and how long it would take to get food etc.

Also, you can already manually prioritize caring for a patient, so if the pawn decided to eat first you can override it and this way it would actually work out alright.


Seems to be a pretty common bug.  Instead of prioritizing feeding themselves there should be an internal needs list that supercedes any other job maybe?  This would allow to  get  rid of the patient job as well because if people are urgently hungry, extremely tired, or injured to an extent they would take care of themselves instead of trying to be a martyr. 

Has that ever been tried or discussed?  Putting survival needs above colony jobs when they get to a certain severity?


well the thing is in such simulation games like rimworld, dwarf fortress and other ones where you only indirectly control your citizen most of the time, satisfying their own needs should be top priority for them. only example of course would be if they are draften and during combat but thats another story.

the game has great potential but is still so rough around the edges in terms of balance, progression (you don't have that much progression in terms of gear, equipment and developement, everything available from the start (almost) and not so much variety / choices), UI (edbinterface adds things that should already be in and that are only some essentials) and customization (i REALLY want to be able to create my own first 3 colonists via a point system like in dwarf fortress, early on having some skilled / specialized ones is crucial).