Idea: Additional End Game Options - Faction Capitals

Started by Nyrr0, April 22, 2024, 12:31:12 AM

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I think it would be cool to have another optional quest - Such as Conquer the planet, to do so capture, destroy the City / Town or kill the Faction Leaders for each Faction that was Generated. It could be just conquer the capital or maybe 2-3 main settlements per faction, with increasing difficulty?

I'm always looking for a goal, and there is the survive while building spaceship and the survive while hosting royalty, we are always trying to escape, but what if we wanted to stay and Conquer the planet?

If this could be an additional optional objective we unlock as another "Win" condition I think that would increase replay-ability and while we can already invade and conquer settlements, some people like to get a "Win" screen. (Like me) Adds another objective that can be chased!

Sounded Fun to me.