Regarding Missing Names

Started by someonesneaky, April 22, 2024, 07:08:22 PM

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There have been some folks who have noticed their name-in-game has gone missing lately. In order to make sure, go into Options > Gameplay > Add name..., and type in your name to search like so.

If your name is indeed missing, there are a few ways to contact me:
* Leave your name in a comment on this post, or PM me here
* Leave a comment on the RimWorld subreddit post or PM me there
* Comment on the pinned Steam post or friend me there to PM
* Find me on Discord as Sneaks in either the official development server or in the community server

Please don't hesitate to message me in private if you don't want your name in public view. We're definitely looking into what happened, and will get it straightened out as soon as possible!


Many thanks for this thread.

In game name: Hans 'Berg' Loewenberg


How do we check if or names are still in the game?


Quote from: TheVillageGuy on April 26, 2024, 07:36:24 AMHow do we check if or names are still in the game?

Open the Options, then Gameplay, then open up the 'Preferred name in game'. Type in your name, and see if it comes up. If it doesn't it's missing, and needs to be added to the list.


Thanks for the clear instructions. My name is in there.


Thanks for your help.

The name was : Ralph Loos
Ralph was here!


Purely out of curiosity (I know these things can take some time), is there any update that you can share? Thanks, again, for this thread.


Quote from: HansBerg on May 17, 2024, 07:36:59 AMPurely out of curiosity (I know these things can take some time), is there any update that you can share? Thanks, again, for this thread.

I don't, sorry, I'm neither developer, nor do I have access to the name system. I'm just helping keep track of lost names.

They're being added back as often as we can, but it's being done as the game itself is updated.


Quote from: someonesneaky on May 20, 2024, 07:05:13 AM
Quote from: HansBerg on May 17, 2024, 07:36:59 AMPurely out of curiosity (I know these things can take some time), is there any update that you can share? Thanks, again, for this thread.

I don't, sorry, I'm neither developer, nor do I have access to the name system. I'm just helping keep track of lost names.

They're being added back as often as we can, but it's being done as the game itself is updated.

All good. I appreciate the response.


In game name:

Tanner Henry

Still not in the game yet.


Missing name: Caitlin "Caitlin" Watson


Hi, my name was Benedict Deutzia. It is missing since the new DLC i think.


Well, after over two months, my expectations have dropped rather low on the prospect of this being corrected.

I went so far as to ask for a refund through Steam, which of course was denied (I'm realistic, I would have been more surprised if it wasn't). It's a shame, really, because I love the game; but, in this instance, the issue isn't one of subjective expectations or a single feature that I liked, but rather a situation where an error on the part of the devs resulted in the removal of something that I very specifically paid for.

I'll continue to keep an eye out for a resolution if one ever comes. That said, I'm not holding out much hope, I'm sorry to say.


Name : Maarten 'Greg' Gregoire
still says its active on the name in the game website, but no longer in game itself
Thanks in advance


Got you marked down, hopefully we get you back in soon!