Must send at least one non downed colonist. Already searched the forums.

Started by tonthuku, May 22, 2024, 04:27:30 AM

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I searched this topic and found one that indicated the source of the problem was Mod related. I have this issue: when I indicate "send caravan", I get "must send at least one non downed colonist". I have no downed colonists either on the mission or at base. They are not suffering from unusual conditions. I have no mods nor any DLC. I attempted several different quests with no success and the same error. It's a shame as I have enjoyed the game up to this point but this malfunction will not allow further progression.


Unfortunately, there isn't much traffic on the forums at the moment, the recently purged spambot flood kept everyone away. I'd suggest either joining us on Discord -

Official Development server for unmodded bug reporting:

Community server for troubleshooting both modded and unmodded:

Or pop over and post on the Subreddit at

At the moment, those are far more active, and hopefully we'll be able to help you better there!