Question about implants

Started by RadioRek, May 24, 2024, 08:40:47 PM

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Im making a mod, I've never done a mod before, the mod it's about an implant called thirdeye that goes on the brain, I can already spawn it and install it, but I dont know if I can make a brain implant increase sight, this is what i have for the installation

    <HediffDef ParentName="AddedBodyPartBase">
        <labelNoun>a thirdeye</labelNoun>
        <description>An installed thirdeye.</description>

can someone pls push me in the right direction, i dont know how to increase sight or if i can from the xml
PD:The part is for the blindsight meme so i cant use an eye implant or they will be sad (just a guess)
PD2: english not native languaje so sry for the mistakes