More Realistic Anesthesia

Started by Bullwinkle Moo, July 22, 2024, 03:59:52 PM

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Bullwinkle Moo

As an anesthesiologist IRL, I'd like to suggest:
1) Nobody wakes up from anesthesia well-rested. Max should be ~45% rested when they first wake up.
2) Not everybody has the same chance of developing dangerous confusion after surgery. It should be more common among old pawns, maybe over 62 years or so, and less common under age 35ish.
3) Anesthesia is a little bit dangerous. Using it to keep someone safe from mental break for an ongoing time is not done in the real world because of the risk of bad consequences. Perhaps everyone who gets anesthetized should have a 0.1% chance of heart attack. Triple that if they are over 50ish years. You want to keep someone knocked out for a week? You can do it, but you must roll the dice. No freebies in RW!


I agree more with point 3. My grandfather he was age of 55, he had a minor surgery, the doctor recommended a full anethesia for the surgery, he never woke up and passed away in few days. The anethesia doctor give him abd overdose which had a very bad consequences on his brain and organs.