[M:0.6.534] Gameplay: Prioritize butchering table selection isn't persistent

Started by Mystic, September 03, 2014, 11:56:12 AM

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Perhaps this is a design decision rather than a bug, but it feels like a bug to me.  If I select a colonist (one to whom I have assigned duties as a cook), then right-click on the butchering table and select to prioritize butchering from the context menu, that causes the colonist to prioritize butchering through the butchering of exactly one animal carcass, no longer.  As soon as the colonist finishes butchering an animal, regardless of whether or not there are additional carcasses waiting to be butchered, he reverts right back to prioritizing use of the cook stove.

It seems to me that this selection ought to be persistent until changed back manually (via a right-click on the cook stove).  That means persistent through the butchering of multiple animals, and also through periods when there are no animals available to butcher.


It doesn't have something to do with the butchering stuff, it's a basic part of the gameplay : right clic to prioritize something work only for one job.

So you can't even build a wall by doing this one time because a wall need to haul stuff and then to build it.


Quote from: Oragepoilu on September 05, 2014, 07:24:57 AM
It doesn't have something to do with the butchering stuff, it's a basic part of the gameplay : right clic to prioritize something work only for one job.

So you can't even build a wall by doing this one time because a wall need to haul stuff and then to build it.

Yep, I understand that now, thanks.  I guess that means that I am coming back to my suggestion in another forum that cooking and butchering should be split up in the Overview so that one can be permanently prioritized over the other as needed.